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Teach Online in 10 Days Mini-Course

Get started teaching online the easy way!

"Teach Online in 10 Days" is a self-study course with 10 days of video lessons and PDFs to help you start your online teaching journey.

Perfect for new teachers or people who want to teach online full or part-time.

What you'll get:

  • 10 Video lessons on topics like ways to teach online, qualifications needed, equipment, how to film an intro video, where to find jobs, lesson planning, money issues like taxes and pricing your class and so much more.
  • PDF guides, cheat sheets and checklists to help you take action and organize your online teaching journey.
  • Support within the course - just leave a comment when you have a question and Jamie will reply with helpful tips and advice.
  • BONUS: Online Teaching Jobs Excel Sheet including salary info, application requirements, if materials are provided, and more - save HOURS researching where to apply

(Includes lifetime course access. This means that you'll receive any future updates or improvements!)

What People Are Saying:

I have years of teaching experience behind me, but I've never taught a lesson online. I've been a little worried about how to even start, and I can honestly say this course has really helped. Jamie makes everything sound super easy and doable, thanks to the way she effortlessly explains the ins and outs of it all. I feel way more confident now, and would highly recommend this course to anyone who needs a little guidance on where to begin their online teaching journey!
